Sunrise and Sunset data for Te Awamutu
  Saturday Today Monday 
Dawn 6:29am 6:29am 6:30am 
Sunrise 6:56am 6:57am 6:58am 
Solar Noon 12:16pm 12:16pm 12:15pm 
Sunset 5:36pm 5:34pm 5:33pm 
Dusk Ends 6:02pm 6:01pm 6:00pm 
Daylight 10:39:40 10:37:33 10:35:26 
Visible Light 11:33:54 11:31:55 11:29:56 
Moonrise 7:17pm 8:08pm 9:08pm 
Moonset 10:01am 11:05am 12:03pm 

Daylight today is 127 seconds shorter than yesterday

Daylight tomorrow will be 127 seconds shorter than today

Next event is Dawn in 5 hours and 49 minutes
May 2024Jun 2024Jul 2024Aug 2024Sep 2024Oct 2024Nov 2024Dec 2024Jan 2025
Dusk Ends5:58pm5:36pm5:39pm5:59pm6:23pm7:49pm8:21pm8:56pm9:16pm
The data above is calculated for the first of each month. Daylight Savings Time is taken into account in the calculations.