Sunrise and Sunset data for Te Awamutu
  Tuesday Today Thursday 
Dawn 6:25am 6:26am 6:27am 
Sunrise 6:52am 6:53am 6:54am 
Solar Noon 12:16pm 12:16pm 12:16pm 
Sunset 5:41pm 5:39pm 5:38pm 
Dusk Ends 6:07pm 6:06pm 6:05pm 
Daylight 10:48:20 10:46:08 10:43:58 
Visible Light 11:42:03 11:39:59 11:37:56 
Moonrise 5:10pm 5:34pm 6:02pm 
Moonset 5:47am 6:47am 7:50am 

Daylight today is 132 seconds shorter than yesterday

Daylight tomorrow will be 130 seconds shorter than today

Next event is Dawn in 11 hours and 42 minutes
May 2024Jun 2024Jul 2024Aug 2024Sep 2024Oct 2024Nov 2024Dec 2024Jan 2025
Dusk Ends5:58pm5:36pm5:39pm5:59pm6:23pm7:49pm8:21pm8:56pm9:16pm
The data above is calculated for the first of each month. Daylight Savings Time is taken into account in the calculations.